Wow, a low-grade, all-encompassing seasonal illness plus the secret + scary quilting of a very important project plus the usual holiday mayhem sure takes the will to blog right out of a girl. Looking back over my shoulder, it doesn't seem like it was SO bad, which is probably the same sort of naturally-occurring blind spot that results in second children.
I made cookies:
{Chewy Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies from Martha. So, so good.}
We made cookies:
{Thumbs up to Perfect Vegan Sugar Cookies, which are indeed quite perfect, definitely the best of the vegan recipes I've tried. Thumbs, sadly, down to those cute little squeezy bottles I got for easy & fun cookie decorating with the kids. There's a reason that pastry bags are tried & true, & that reason, my friends, is air bubbles. I think I'm going to look into one of those icing caulk gun situations for next year.}
I finished the house pillow:
{For my father, who is a collector of house-shaped things, & I have only not capitalized "collector" because there are no caps LARGE ENOUGH to describe how much of a collector he is, so the pillow was well-received. I made the house up as I went along, with about a 50% success rate in my attempt to be intuitive about necessary seam allowance additions, but in the end it turned out more or less as I'd planned. I have some things to learn about piecing triangles, though.}
I also finished, on December 23, the wedding quilt for my sister & brother-in-law, then spent all day December 24 in mild fits about whether it was going to 1. survive the wash, 2. emerge from the wash without any remaining chalk lines, & 3. be dry in time for Christmas presentation.
{The answer is yes on all three counts, I am very proud of myself (also: phew), but no finished project pictures here because I think I am going to give it a whole post of its own.}
The kids put together an ode to Santa, poster-style (complete with short song at the bottom):
{And Santa did not disappoint.}
Yeah, it wasn't SO bad.
I'm hoping to whip out a couple pairs of New Year's pajama pants before bedtime tomorrow night, but a certain almost-seven someone who had plenty of time to cool his heels & ogle the wares at craft shows this month has some sort of stuffed monster animal project in mind for tomorrow, so we'll see what gets done. Either way sounds like a pretty good way to spend tomorrow. 2007 is all but done! Bring it on, 2008!