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I took two screen printing classes in college when I was an art major. I loved those classes the most! One day I might have to get back into it.


Now that looks like fun!


Looks fun, glad it went well!


i'm totally jealous! that would be so much fun.


Soo fun! I really want to learn how to screenprint!

angela henrie

I think you should take ALL of those classes!


Hi there...your blog was recommended by google reader and I was so happy to see that lovely yellow print arts building of pratt when i clicked the link. I took a letterpress class there with lisa (so delightful) back in march-may. I LOVED IT! i no longer live in seattle and am bummed there isn't anything like it in colorado. so...i'm just highly recommending their letterpress class.


I just found your blog and love it! thank you for the smiles.


Oh, man...I would be so paralyzed with indecision over which class to take that I would freeze and probably never make it to one of them!!

That print shop is so COOL. A good friend of mine is a genuine print artist, too, and I am conniving how I can get her to take me with her when she goes to the studio. I would think I had died and gone to heaven. :p


Hi Daria, Love your blog, first blog I ever read, and totally got me addicted. Hope you and your family are ok, wishing you all a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year, Claire


Being a Graphic arts major in the 90's I took many a screen printing class! I LOVED them. So much fun. Why did I ever change my major??? Anyway I love your blog. Do you have any of your adorable glitter rings for sale anywhere? My sister would love one (who am I kidding I would love one too :) )


Hey! I know you are on a blog-cation, but I just wanted to let you know I tagged you for 6 facts about yourself, you can see more at my blog, hope you don't mind. http://sewinsight.typepad.com/sewinsight/

Jeanne @ Inspiring Ideas

Oh - how fun! I'd love to fit in a little workshop - just for access to the supplies! I haven't done it since college! Cool!

cheap ed hardy

I loved those classes the most! One day I might have to get back into it.

ed hardy

I don’t know If I said it already but …I’m so glad I found this site…Keep up the good work I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say GREAT blog. Thanks, :)

hanson  robin

Thank you ,it's really useful.


Inky fingers.. WTF? :)

black boots

black boots on sale!! you deserve it!

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