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i love the rock neighborhood! that is a great idea. your pillows are lovely, too, daria.


Love those pillows...beautiful work! My sons and I used to paint rocks every summer...faces mostly. I remember making rock families. I love the idea of a rock neighborhood!


I love the picnic decorations! how fun! and I'll have to try painting rocks with my kids again. yours look wonderful.


Wow, so many projects here to comment on! The flags are so pretty! What beautiful decorations for the party! I love the painted rocks. My son might really enjoy that, thanks for the great idea! Your pillows are fantaticly beautiful! I really truly love them!

Lasso the Moon

The rocks! Oh, I love the rocks!


I love the rocks!! I have done rock painting myself and it is so much fun!! Just wanted to say you are such an inspiration to us other mothers, you always do such fun things with your kids! I love your blog and I always check in.


The rocks are so fun, what a great summer project. Sounds like a fun party, the sundaes look yummy! Love those pillows, I am sure it will be a great show.


those pillows rock!


The rock neighborhood is a great idea! Sorry to hear you've been ill.


Going to the lake and finding rocks to paint is one of my favorite summery things to do! I love your rock neighborhood-we ususally use rocks as markers when playing checkers. I also love those pillows you are making!!! I'm staying around and reading for a while.


Beautiful pictures and colors (it's months later, but I had to comment... love the stones... very happy!)... Funny, I had 3 colds this summer... something must be going around and around and around...

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Love those pillows, I am sure it will be a great show.


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