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Love that chair picture you showed. Actually, I love all the things on the wall. So cool and my style! Your pillows are exquisite! If I only had some cash. I love how simple they are, but complex at the same time!


I lurve the idea behind that chair pic. And your boy's pic. I love that one for myself, though! lol


i love your boy's collage too!


The pillow covers are really pretty. How do you get such a lovely quilt design? Is this a special setting on your machine?

cheap ed hardy

And your boy's pic. I love that one for myself, though! lol

hanson  robin

What a wonderful idea. The framing is so lovely. How did you do those prints? Did you use a gocco? I MUST get my grubby little hand on one of those! Can you recommend a simple one for a beginner?

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