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Looks like you guys are having a great day over there, she looks fabulous with her new accessories!


I LOVE it!
And I went all over town looking for shrinky-dink sheets last weekend, and couldn't find any; I was soo mad!


Que Bella!


I would have *loved* these as a little girl. The fuzzy pipe cleaners are so ... velvet-like. :) Super-fancy!


I love her fancy bejeweled hands!



we are so doing this! thanks daria.

Mama Urchin

Don't you just love pipe cleaners!

Lasso the Moon

so glamorous! Thanks for this. I have a 3 yr old that's going to freak out over this. We are always looking for big-kid projects for baby brother's nap time.


Those are fantastic! I loved making things with pipe cleaners when I was little--these are far more fabulous than anything I ever made though. Too cute! :)


Fabulous bling! great idea to keep the kids busy!


What a great idea!! I think we'll try to make a few this afternoon.
Love her jewels!


I might just be able to convince my 6 year old son to do this. For a minute. Maybe. Or maybe I'll just deck my own bad self out in pipecleaners!

oh amanda

So fun! We'll probably do these at my daughter's birthday party this weekend!

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whooaa! how cute that ring,very innovative guys!

by: jewie


fabulous match of things i loved

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The fuzzy pipe cleaners are so ... velvet-like. :) Super-fancy!


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Eden Avery

I love you! What a perfect idea for rings...and so nice that they aren't pricey since we have 5 children! You are helping me to teach them the importance of looking at something and becoming inspired and making something beautiful out of it
I had spent a small fortune for our daughters "Wizard of Oz" kindergarten party...specifically the making of the magic ruby slippers jewelry boxes and ..these rings are soo much cuter.

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