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They all look so beautiful. Too bad you didn't have full reprieve to relax. But you were productive and made something very beautiful.


Your school(s) are so lucky to have you.
The quilts are awesome!


Hope you are making a speedy recovery. Love the auction quilts - I hope the schools and other parents realise how lucky they are to have you!


they are all gorgeous, daria.
i hear you on the binding. my teeny tiny quilt was enough binding for me this week!


I love them all. So much.


Wow! Gorgeous quilts! Those schools are lucky to have you!


Simply spectacular...all of them. I wish I could be a bidder!


Oh, I love the red-and-white swirly one with all my heart. I hope its winning bid brought in enough for a full class field trip!


Lovely quilts! I'm really impressed! Especially with your ability to quilt them on the machine, I'm way too much of a wuss to try that one...
I agree with your love for binding, it is really theraputic and so satisfying to see all those perfect little stitches holding it together.

melissa s.

these are beautiful! I hope the lucky recipient knows how much work and love goes into a project like this. beautiful work!!! (love your blog too, btw!)


I also have two auction quilts for my kids school in the works or should I say "due" in Mid April. One is about 1/3 of the way done and the other ~ well, I have most of the fabric for it ~ does that count as "in the works?". Seriously love your quilts ~ great job. Hope they make lots of $$ for the school.

Liz Harvatine

I love love love these quilts! The colors and simplicity of all three designs are just wonderful. I especially love the blue/gold/orange. So lovely!

Julie @ Letter9

I hope you're feeling better and I'm so sorry you were sick but it looks FABULOUS. Also, do you really bind before quilting it? I'm a newbie but I just assumed you quilt before binding. Hmm...


these are all incredibly beautiful and inspiring! Your blog always has me itching to start another quilt!

Melissa H

Absolutely inspiring and beautiful--all three of them. Thanks for sharing.

Mama Urchin

So so good. Nine out of ten doctors recommend hand sewing as a treatment for fever.


They look great, good job D (photos look fine to me). Your work is wonderful, I can't wait to see the bidding war begin.


All the quilts turned out great. I especially love the red and white one. I have a friend in boston that might need one just like it...


They are so beautiful! I bet it is difficult to part with them..........

Lasso the Moon

Just incredible. You have such a distinct style. Love it. The red one is going to look so great. Can't get enough of your loopy quilting!


The finished quilt looks AMAZING! I am very impressed, it's lovely how all the quilting makes the whole thing so cuddly looking...Your smaller quilts are gorgeous too. I love coming to your blog because it makes me feel guilty in the best possible way to be more productive in my own life, hahaha


They are all so gorgeous. Seeing your finished quilts is so inspiring!


your quilts are incredible.


Oh man. You are my new idol - I am in love with the red & gray quilts.

Paper Dolls for Boys

You have made me look at red a little differently. Thanks for the inspiration!

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