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I had to have that owl flannel when I saw it, too. I was thinking of making some bonnets and using it as the lining, but the flannel baby blanket looks great.


Damn...now I am REALLY REALLY craving snack cake for breakfast. :p


ack! that quilt is so wonderful already!!!!!

Mama Urchin

So, the owls are too darn cute. I hope you have good printer results.


Love the quilt - can't wait to see the finished product! And I just made a flannel blanket too - I can see them becoming addictive, as quick and cute as they are!

purple petunia

dark brown flannel binding.

such a good idea.

I'm dying that I haven't tried it before.

Jen b

cute, cute. I had the same problem with the BTR pattern.


The squares look great! Never fear we will get it done :)

I have a baby shower looming in my future, maybe I need to get busy - thanks for the inspiration.

Melissa H

I can't wait to see that auction quit--it looks incredible!


Snack cake for breakfast sound fabulous!!
And I adore your baby gift!!! Bibs + Burps + blankets, all hand made - way cool. My fav blankets for my little one are also the big pieces of flannel I bound with flannel binding. I made them large so I could still swaddle my 5 month old, and it worked great.


love the blankets.


I love the colors you used in your quilt, wonderful!


I can't wait to make a few of these bibs for my niece's new baby boy. Thanks for providing this link!

Juliette Lanvers

Thanks for listing my bibs!
I gave you a 'You make my day award' on my blog.

I just love yours and follow it with delight!

Juliette Lanvers

Thanks for listing my bibs!
I gave you a 'You make my day award' on my blog.

I just love yours and follow it with delight!


I'm pretty sure your definition for snack cake is correct, and I believe it may even be its own food group too. '-)
Enjoyed my visit here.


lovely bibs you got there.


I love that you put into words my thoughts exactly about cake without frosting fitting into the breakfast food category! Bravo!

Jacquie Gering

Stumbled onto your blog through flickr. Love the auction quilt. The vibrant colors you use are breathtaking! Spent too much time looking at all your work. Inspirational! Thanks for sharing. Oh...I'd never turn down cake...looks fab!


The quilt is looking quite beautiful. I really love your color combinations


OMgosh those quilt blocks will be such a work of art. I can already visualize the outcome... YUMMY!!

Oh and the snackcake, YUMMY too!! Drooling over here!


where are you? still over there eating snack cake??

Julie @ Letter9

I am totally down with your cake theory. Definitely.


Do you have a viable business but lack the necessary finances to get it off it’s feet?

pandora armband

Thank you ,it's really useful.

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