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Oh man! That ring is too cool. I like the photo; think of it as "edgy."

I have the same dilemma with my aprons...I can't actually get anything *useful* done with the really neat ones, so they hang decoratively. And the same old white trashed-up, washed-a-thousand-times one gets used...every single day.

Stephanie D

OH these are great! **Off to make a pair***


These are awesome! I've been thinking a lot about felted wool lately. I never seem to find any felted or felt-able sweaters at the thrift, apparently everyone in New Hampshire is either a) to smart to throw their sweaters in the dryer or b) hording all of the feltable goodness for themselves. BUT - I have a homemade pair of socks that I accidentally felted - with holes in the heels, and I've been thinking...this is a great way to reuse homemade socks that have been completely worn through. And they're pretty much the perfect shape for fingerless gloves! So long story short - thanks - I'm totally going to do this!


very cute! might have to try...


You have made some really funky fingerless gloves. They are awesome. I made som wrist warmers (have photos on my blog), but they are completely different from yours. Thanks for sharing.


Oooh, these are great! I'll have to start digging through my felted sweater stash to make some for myself :)


It looks fabulous! Loving the ring!

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