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I hope you're not really cursed, although I do know what you mean, how can it go so right one day and so wrong the next?!!

I love your bags, and cushions with the patchwork - that's not big in the UK, but I want to give it a whirl. Can you recommend any good beginners books? (This isn't a skill passed down from generation to generation - which I imagine (probably wrongly) is the case in the USA!!!)


Love the treat bags and so great they can use them year round. Her costume looked great and I can't wait to see his.


she looks so cute. Halloween is such an emotional rollercoaster over here, all combined with too much sugar and friends you can't quite recognize. It was okay while it lasted, but glad its over. I love the simple tote, and laugh at how it really never is totally *simple* around here either : ).

Your interview was great! I'm impressed!

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