« I didn't want to cook tonight anyway | Main | it's done! »



Everything looks FANTASTIC and I so wish I could come... You're going to have a totally successful, fun time (I'm sure of it). I know you've been working so hard and it shows; you have such a great selection of really beautiful items. Woo hoo! Can't wait to hear all about it!


If Mr. Barky (my son) is still barking tomorrow and can't go to his soccer game, I'm so there!

liz elayne

can't wait to see all the goodness in person! and to hopefully buy one of those fantastic pillows.

(and that loop pattern is one of my favorites right now too, and that is a good thing because it is all i can really "successfully" do with my freemotion foot. maybe i should look into a class...)


wish i could transport myself across the continent to be there. looks wonderous. will be waiting to see what's available on etsy after all the fun's been had.


good luck with the show. I hope it goes well for you.


i am sure it went well! hope you had fun.

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