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Lisa B-K

I am REALLY LOVING that first pillow. What great colors and handwork!



The pillows are turning out great. I love the colors on the aqua and orange one.


I actually saw a power line explode this morning. Right in front of my car! It was scary, but at least the damage is not as bad as in December and the power was only out for an hour yesterday. I'm writing down November 10th in my planner right now.


a belt/buckle and one of those gorgeous pillows are mine and I'll fight everyone off for them.


I'm loving that orange.

your pillows are great.


Oh, I wish I could go. Your pillows are so awesome.


oh hey, wait, this is by me...someone has actually posted something on a blog that i can go to!!! (usually i just sit here in envy)

the pillows are great. you get such a nice soft, squishy look to your quilting, i just love it. hope to see you at the show!

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