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I love WIP's too. If I had to post completed projects every day, I'd only post once a month or so...
The crown is really cute.
And, yes, rosemary is a MONSTER! I have one in the back yard that used to be a little 4"er too. They do withstand pruning very well though and you can even make topiaries out of them, so you might want to try and prune it into a cool shape.


the crown is adorable and your garden is inspiring! have a great weekend!


that is one big rosemary plant/bush! i wish mine would winter well! anyhow - the crown is cute and i like the little silver bit on there. enjoy your weekend and i hope everyone is feeling better!


there must be something about the growing conditions in your neighborhood, I see huge rosemary over there! I really love the crown, it definitely needs 2 color screening, I don't think a princess could handle one, do you?


The crowns look AMAZING! I'm so in love with your gardens as well!

Alicia P.

Oh, it's gonna be so good!

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