« cucpake 04: maple cupcakes with maple cream cheese frosting | Main | have yourself a merry little »


jen j-m

oh dear, that sounds super stressful. i'm sorry. i hope you had a good/successful time at the bazbiz...? (hard to tell by your cryptic nod to it.) meg and i thought it was super overwhelming in boston, though mostly fun.
i hope everyone in your house is feeling better! i hope you have some glittery non-stressful snuggly times now.


Ugh - continue to mend, one and all - and a very Happy Holiday to you...


ouch. glad you are back home. happy holidays!


ugh. sounds so stressful! you totally deserve a merit badge AND a tattoo.
hope everyone is feeling good and that you are all enjoying some cozy holiday love.


Why is it these things all happen at the same time. With little kids, it hits hard and hast, doesn't it. I'm so sorry, but signs from the universe seem to be popping up for all of us. I hope life is returning to normal. Let's grab a coffee in the new year, ok?

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