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that skirt is so cute - i can't let my daughter see or she'll want one! love the fabric! and goes so well with the jacket!


i, just today, bought that very copy of MCI with half an eye toward that slowly expanding and someday-to-be-mailed pkg. that'll teach me to be so tardy on my unexpected kindnesses. sheez.

in other news, a resin jewelry kit sounds very very exciting. especially if it's the kind of jewelry i'm thinking of, involving wonderful clicky squares of bright .. well ... resin! fabulous!

in final news ... i miss you! write me again! it's your turn.

xox to the fam. exciting about the back-to-schoolness and the first day of kindergarten. go big kid!

Sandrine (alias Didine ♥ )

I already bought the Marie Claire idées too ! I'm mad about this magazine !! Have you seen the lovely bag for Halloween ??!! And the beautiful brooches made of felt ?! Oh there are so much lovely ideas as always !! Hugs :o)


Oooh - can't wait to see what you get up to with the resin jewelry!

(and it goes without saying that that is, without a doubt, the cutest skirt ever! You just know that the first day of preschool rocked when you're wearing a groovy, twirly skirt...)

jen j-m

resin jewelry is interesting to me, too. i will be curious to know if you like working with that stuff. i bought that blueprint on vacation and it was WAY better than #1, and i liked a lot of stuff in it. still not totally sure about it, though.
oh, first days of school! oh, sweet twirly skirt!


where do you get this MCI magazine?
Does Barnes & Noble carry it?
It looks fabulous!

Vintage Jewelry

Very interesting post. I think resin jewelry is a good hand making hobby:) I must try it by myself. Which magazine for the beginners do you suggest? I have some little experience in crafting, I hope it will be enough:)

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